I can't believe that Summer is soon coming to an end and Maddie will be starting preschool next month! Time has just flown by and it's hard to believe she is going to be a preschooler! Lately we have been soaking up these beautiful days by going to the zoo, the pool, hanging in our backyard with friends, Spending time up in Lake Geneva, going for walks, and lots of bike rides to get ice cream! Maddie's FAV thing to do! Yesterday, Bob had a dentist appointment at 6:00, so I told Maddie we could go get ice cream after she ate dinner. Of course she was so excited and ate all of her dinner so she could get her special treat. On our walk to town, she kept saying, "Mama, my tummy hurts." So I said, "Maybe we shouldn't get ice cream if your tummy hurts," Then she said, "Mama, my tummy is all better." HAHA. Like mother like daughter! I guess there is always room for ice cream in anyones tummy! BTW: if you haven't tried ice-cream at Fannie May IT. IS. A. MUST!!! So delish! Hanging out with Maddie is so much fun and she has so much personality!! It has been so much fun seeing her language develop and the things that she says sometimes has me laughing so hard my stomach ends up hurting! This kid is HILARIOUS! Here are some pictures of what has been going on lately....:)
Hope you are all enjoying this absolutely beautiful weather we have been having!!!!!