Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Learning to let go!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I feel like I have to much to write about these days. As you mothers know, Toddlers are into everything. I leave for 10 seconds and Maddie has gotten into something! Today started off interesting. I was getting ready in our main floor bathroom and in just 5 minutes this is what I saw when I came out. It actually makes me laugh, as I am learning there is no such thing as a clean house with a toddler. (what you see in this picture is wipes, her toilet, and her play food) in case you were wondering:o) haha

Following this picture I ran upstairs to get something and somehow Maddie found her purple watercolor pen and colored herself like Barney the dinosaur. Yep, this is when you just start to laugh inside and not let it get to you. She is a bundle of curiosity! We have had to take some disciplinary action recently, as she thinks the walls in our home are her coloring books. Orange walls aren't too flattering. I know all you Mom's understand this:o)

I'll end with one funny story. Recently, Maddie just learned that a shark "bites". So the other evening Bob and I took a trip to the mall and were walking around a department store. Maddie was walking through the store and pointing to all the mannequins and saying, "bite" "bite". None of the mannequins had heads, and so I guess Maddie thought a shark bit their heads off! I thought that was pretty funny.

Just some random pictures:
Playing with her toys
Maddie learning how to use chop sticks at RA Sushi. VERY focused.
Enjoying an evening walk downtown Elmhurst. Love that we can walk here from our house and have dinner and shop! They do such a good job decorating the town for Christmas!
Cute little Christmas display that Maddie likes.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Veggie Tales!

On Friday evening, we took Maddie to the Veggie Tales Live show at our church in Oakbrook. We had such a fun time, and Madeline LOVED IT! Her favorite Veggie is Bob to Tomato, and she would say, "Bob!" "Bob!" when he would come out on stage. We had tickets for the second row, and after the show Maddie got to meet Bob and Larry and get her picture taken with them! Here are a few pictures from the evening.
Bob The Tomato
Singing one of their MANY songs. MY favorite was "Girls Just wanna Have fun", but instead it was "Gourds Just wanna Have fun." All the Gourds were dancing on stage. Hilarious!
Bob The Tomato, Me, Maddie, and Larry the Cucumber.
We had such a fun night!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Life of Stay at Home Mom:o)

You know when you are a stay at home mom when: I made these up from my experience:o)

1.People ask, "why are you so dressed up." when you are wearing jeans and a sweater.
2. The word most used in your vocabulary during the day is "no"
3. Going to run errands by yourself is considered a luxury.
4. You clean up spills and trails of cherrios multiple times a day.
5. Your purse/diaper bag is over flowing with snacks, sippy cups, books, and rotten food you forgot to take out a week ago. Yep, a rotten banana in mine.
6. You are extremely addicted to caffeine and couldn't live without your keurig or coffee maker.
7. Your movie list consists of Veggie Tales and Baby Einstein or cartoons.
8. You were so distracted you put your keys in the refrigerator. Finding them hours later.
9. You forget to eat lunch or eat your child's left over grilled cheese.

which one do you relate to??:o)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treating in Style!

We had such a blast this weekend! My parents came on Saturday morning and stayed overnight until Sunday because my husband was gone on a retreat in NC. I picked him up at the airport Sunday morning and then our festivities began:o) Here are some pictures from Sunday.
Beautiful Butterfly
Posing for a pic in our yard
Gavin and Maddie. Best buddies!

Obsessed with Elmo! maddie referred to him and Mo.In case you were wondering I was the Wendy's girl.

Maddie and Aviator Man! She wasn't too sure...

Hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween! We sure did!:o) What other day of the year can you dress up and look like a total goof ball?? Maddie was beautiful, but Bob and I were the goofy ones!