Wednesday, January 13, 2010

1/13/09 Journal Entry

I have been meaning to look at my journal entries for quite some time from when I was in the hospital for those 3 weeks last year. I happened to open my journal and sure enough there was an entry dated 1/13/09; Here is what I wrote one year ago today:
"My grandpa had a VERY vidid dream that Jesus was holding baby Madeline in my uterus. Just picturing Jesus holding Madeline makes me cry and feel so much comfort knowing the Lord's hand is over her and that she is his child. This gives me comfort for when she is born that he is going to carry her through all the ups and downs and never let go of her. Thank you Jesus for loving Madeline more than I ever could, and knowing her future. Thank you God for sending me pictures that you are right there with her.I feel so much peace, and I am very thankful."

I am so glad that I journaled for those 3 weeks while in the hospital and also all 3 months she was in the NICU. Keeping a journal was a way for me to record all my feelings and focus on the positives when looking back at what the Lord did. It is amazing to see all the prayers God answered through very scary times of not knowing what was a head...

After my grandpa had that dream she was born 2 days later, on the 15th. What a comfort that he would have dreamt that just 2 days before. Pretty Incredible!


  1. I love this post! Thanks for sharing sweet girl. You're right, journaling, for those who relaly love it, is so therapeutic and I love how it can be just us and the Lord in that time, such sweetness. Love you!

  2. Happy Birthday Maddie! What a blessing you are to your family!
    Leah Anderson
