Friday, January 22, 2010

Power of Prayer

I love sharing stories of how God was there through everything that was happening with Maddie last year. I was remembering last year around this time my parents came to visit Maddie in the NICU. Starring into this glass incubator was this very tiny 2 pound baby hooked up to so many different monitors, and Iv's. It was a very scary and unknown time, so we spend lots of time in prayer asking God to watch over little Madeline's life and to send his angels to watch over her. During that visit we took lots of pictures with each of our hands around Madeline in her incubator. Right before my parents left the NICU to head back to Rockford my mom wanted one last picture. The last picture that was on her iphone was a picture of my mom with Madeline by her incubator. After my Parents left, Bob I spend some more time with Madeline just praying God would protect her. About an hour later I got a call from my mom telling me she was flipping through the pictures on her iphone, and the last picture on her phone was now a black and white sketch of an angel kneeling and praying. At the time I didn't quite understand and thought maybe it just looked like a picture of an angel but it really wasn't. So She sent it to me. This was the picture that somehow appeared on her phone-I was stunned to see that it was VERY Clearly a Picture of a kneeling angel. There were so many times like this where God just kept sending us signs that he was watching over Madeline during this time she was in the hospital. I am amazed by the power of praying, and will never forget all the things God did during this time. It truly is through struggles we grow so much more in Him, and rely on him the most. Those times were very, very tough, but I spend more time praying and relying on God more than I ever have. For that I can only be Thankful.

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