It has been quite sometime since I have posted anything so I thought it was about time:o) Every time I think to write an update there are other things to be done like laundry, cleaning, cooking, and most importantly taking care of Maddie and chasing her around:o)
These past 9 months of living in Elmhurst have been wonderful. Maddie has developed quite the personality and is never afraid to meet other kids (older and younger). She loves all people and is very outgoing. Maddie's arm has caused her to get noticed by a lot of kids. It has been interesting to see the different behavior of children in response to Maddie's arm. Some are curious, some sympathetic, some encouraging, some look at her as a project ("look mom-check out this girl's arm") and others even appear terrified. None of this seems to phase Maddie, by the way.
In the middle of all of this it has been great to see Maddie develop many good relationships with children her age. We are blessed to live in a great town with a lot of wonderful friends who have gotten to know Maddie for who she is and enjoy being with her. We feel so thankful to have moved to such a wonderful community. We have wonderful friends, fabulous neighbors, a great community, and family just a few miles away. Here are a few pictures of Maddie with her good friends. My husband and I were commenting that it reminds us of how thankful we are for the friends God has put in our lives.
Proverbs 17:17 " A friend Loves at all times."

Here is a picture of Maddie And Georgia. They live in Chicago, and when we get together Maddie and GG love to hang out with each other. They pretty much held hands all the way through Nordstrom!

Maddie and Her other friend Georgia Grace. Two friends with the same name! first and middle so funny! I met Georgia's Mom through MOPS at our church. We are both the same age and both hairstylists. We get together with them at least once a week to hang out. They have a ball together.

Here is another picture of Georgia and Maddie and Georgia's brother Noah. Maddie also has quite a crush on little Noah and always wonders when she is going to see him next. They all have so much fun hanging out.

Maddie has developed a little crush on Noah:o)

This is Maddie with her buddy Gavin. These two can't get enough of each other. They pretty much let out a high pitch scream when they see one another. It's pretty cute how they interact. Gavin's mom and I went to HS together. She was one year ahead of me, so it's neat how We only live 3 blocks away from each other in a town we didn't even grow up in. Gavin and Maddie are 5 weeks apart.

Maddie and Gavin enjoying their suckers at the mall.
Thank you all for making Elmhurst such a wonderful place of lasting friendships!
I'm so glad you're here too!!