Monday, February 28, 2011

It's been a while!

Too many things have happened since Maddie b day (my last post) I don't even know where to begin.

1.The snow storm of 2011 was a blast and we had a wonderful time playing in the snow and hanging out with our neighbors.
2. Lot and lots of playdates with friends and neighbors!
3. MOPS, which we love every other wednesday @ CCOB.
4. Moms day out on friday mornings for 3 1/2 hours, which is time I love to be able to do errands and just have "me" time.
5. Signing Maddie up for preschool starting September 2011. She will go 2 days a week on tuesdays and thursdays:)
6. Bob and I went to Arizona for 5 days, while my Mom watched Maddie back at our house. We had such a blast getting away to warm weather!
7. Trips to the mall so Maddie can ride the Choo Choo.
8. Walks into town for some starbucks.
9. Hanging out at the Elmhurst library and going to Mother Goose.
10. And the best- Watching Maddie grow up and come up with the funniest lines! She is such a "hoot"
11. Maddie has her first trip to the dentist checked by Dr. Matt Jensen and Bumpa Jensen.

Here are some pictures of what has been going on lately:)
I got a little carried away with the hairspray!
Baking cookie bars
blizzard 11'
Uncle Matt, the Dentist
Playdate with Shelley and Emma
I told Maddie to go put her shoes to take a walk outside, and she put on my high heels, and says " Mama, Pretty shoes walk"

Here is a short little video of Maddie, our little ham!

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