I wanted to share a little story with you that happened today in the nursery. Miss Robyn, who is the head of the children's ministry at CCOB shared this with me:) In the nursery today, some of the older kids were asking about Maddie's arm and why she only had one. Miss Robyn explained this was how God made her an answered some questions for them about her arm. I guess Maddie could tell everyone was starring at her, so she whipped her little arm out from her sleeve to show the whole class her cool little arm. She waved it around, and around, and around. Gotta love her confidence. One girl got really upset and said to Miss Robyn, " I have two arms, but I only want ONE!" How cute it that. Miss Robyn said she couldn't help her with that:) So I like to call Maddie the TREND-SETTER. It is now cool to have one arm just like Maddie. I thank the Lord for Maddie's confidence and sense of humor. This will get her so far in life and I am so excited to see the journey the Lord takes her on!
Quick update on the prosthetic. We go on wednesday for our second appt for a fitting to see how the arm fits while riding her tricycle. This arm will only be worn for when she is riding her bike, as I don't believe, she should wear a prosthesis all the time when she does fine without it. The doctors philosophy and our philosophy totally line up so that was VERY encouraging! We are going to make this prosthetic super cool and Maddie and I are going to go and pick out some girly fabric to be laminated on the prosthetic. Keep us in your prayers! Thank you! Here are a few pictures from our last visit....
At her appointment to visit Dr Rotter for her prosthesis. he made this shirt for her so she wouldn't get plaster all over her. It looks like a wife beater. LOL!
Dr. Rotter drawing smily faces on the mold made for her arm. He was so great with Maddie he called the plaster that was on her arm an "art project". Maddie still talks about her art project and she is looking forward to going back next week.
I'd also like to share... NO MORE DIAPERS FOR THIS GIRL! We started potty training the day after these pictures were taken. She's Loving her new Dora and Princess undies! Potty training was a breeze and she is doing fabulous!!
Thanks for the update about Maddie's prosthetic, Heath. Looking forward to seeing the pretty art project on that beautiful girl! Love you.