Christmas Eve service at church
Live nativity at church. Maddie loved all the animals!
Christmas Eve night
Maddie opening presents from Santa
Christmas Day at my parents
At our family Christmas we give white elephant gifts which never fails to give us all a good laugh! Aren't you jealous of these awesome gifts?? I mean who wouldn't be? There were many other super ugly ones, but these were the only ones I got pictures of.
Just to be clear this will not be hung anywhere in our house. Good one Mom!
Maddie ended up loving the ugly gift I received. She carried it around everywhere.
My grandpa was the lucky one to receive my flamingo.

Enjoying the beautiful December weather at my parents Christmas day.

She loved her new kitchen set from pottery barn from Nana and Bumpa
Barbie is helping her cook our morning eggs
Playing in the small amount of snow we had
We took Maddie skiing and she had such a blast. We stayed at the Grand Geneva for a night and thought it would be a perfect place to get Maddie on skis.
She did so well!
For NYE we went to the Brookfield Zoo lights with some friends. It was so beautiful with all the lights and we even got to see a lot of animals. Such a fun way to ring in the NEW YEAR!
Oh hello, there you are! Loved seeing the holiday pictures. And I'm SO jealous you got Maddie up on skis, I have been wanting Georgia to do that. We are going skiing in Feb. but decided it should be just adults with Grant still being so young. Maybe next year with the kiddos, can't wait to hear more details about it. Love to all of you!