Saturday, March 17, 2012

Loving one another

This morning Bob took Maddie for a bike ride and then they headed to Wilder Park. He called to tell me Maddie had this whole clan of girls hanging out with her at the park. I came from my errands and met them at the park shortly after. They were the sweetest little kids and so interested in Maddie. They all asked about her arm, which I thought was sweet, and they just took her under their wings to play with her. It was truly neat to watch them interact. If only we could all come together like this all the time? All different, but it all comes down to love. I love these moments God gives us. It has been incredible. So blessed! Here is a picture.

John 13:34-35


  1. Love the pictures of your family and thank you for allowing me the privilege of being a part of your blog family!

  2. So sweet! I love how kids can just make friends so easily! Thanks for adding me! :-)
