Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Update on Maddie

Today was a very emotionally draining day. I thought instead of posting some long update on Facebook this would be easier. When she was born she had bone sticking out of her little arm and had it surgically removed at 28 weeks old. The doctor told us the bone might start poking through The skin again around age 3 or 4 and she may need surgery to remove some of the bone to relieve the tenderness. She has been bumping it here and there and when she does she cries so hard she can't catch her breath. She bumped it in Arizona on The carpet as she was rolling around and playing and the pain in her face and her cry told me she was hurting. Then today she got out of her car seat and knocked it on the door and cried so hard. It was so sad and I felt so helpless. She is so tough and barely cries, so I know this hurts. She has run into walls fallen and skinned her knees and gets right up without a peep. Today i just held her and let her cry not knowing what else I could do. Felt so very helpless.

After dropping her off at school i held it together and then went into the church bathroom and had a good cry. I called the doctor, crying hard on the phone to the receptionist. She was so sweet and Thankfully I was able to move her appointment with a specialist from 2 weeks to next Friday. This is a type of surgery he performs often, and if there is something That needs to be done it would be nice to not have to worry about this anymore. I really don't want Maddie to have surgery, but also don't want her to be in pain every time she bumps her little arm. Please pray for us.

I believe God uses everything for his glory. I have already seen His glory shine through this journey the Lord has given us. If I didn't believe this I don't know where I would be. I truly understand the phrase my mom would always say,"when you hurt I hurt more." Isn't that true being a parent? You just want to take your child's place so they don't have to go through any pain.

Thanks for Praying for Maddie and if you think to pray for this pregnancy that would be wonderful too. I try so hard to release my worries to him, but sometimes it's not so easy. Thanks everyone!


  1. Definitely praying for you, your pregnancy and your sweet Maddie girl!!! Big hugs to you, Honey!!!

    Kate Chinlund

  2. Heather- I am so sorry that you have to go through this. Maddie is so precious. I am praying for her and for you at this time. You are an awesome Mommy. God is in control and has a great plan for Maddie. Keep trusting our loving Father. Sending love to all of you!

  3. Dear God, Please be with little Maddie and help her to be able to deal with this difficult situation. Thank you for helping Heather get the appointment sooner. Please give the doctor wisdom as to how to best help Maddie and give her parents that peace that passes all understanding. I also pray that your hand would be on Heather and the baby she's carrying. Help her to carry this child to full term and help him to be born strong and healthy. Bless this dear family and may your perfect will be done. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

  4. Praying for your whole family!! I can't even imagine. You are so strong heather and so is maddie girl :) I hope things can be taken care of soon and that you receive answers so she can no longer be in pain!
