Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dress up

One of Maddie's favorite things to do is to dress up. We actually had to gate her closet door because she was changing 4-5 times a day and I was doing loads and loads of laundry. Apparently I was just like this when I was little. My mom had to lock all of my clothes in a suitcase and I was allowed one outfit a day. Like mother like daughter!!! She is such a girly girl! Loves anything sparkly, pink and frilly. She will wear 10 necklaces all at once and 15 bracelets on her wrist and she think its the best thing ever.

Here is Maddie in her Rapunzel dress, which by the way is her favorite Disney princess. Notice she is also wearing stick on earrings and high heeled shoes which might be covered up by her dress.

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