Friday, April 6, 2012

Surgery scheduled

Hi friends,

As some of you may know Maddie is going to need surgery to remove some of the bone from her shorter arm. The bone is getting sharp against her skin and the last thing we want is for it to poke through and then there is a risk for infection in the bone. She hasn't been complaining about it that much just when she bumps it, but we are going through with surgery. It is scheduled for April 26th, which is just a few weeks away. The doctor who does this surgery is a specialist at Schriner's Hospital just 8 miles from our house. We are so blessed to have the best
place right in our neighborhood.

Please specially pray for a quick healing process and that she wouldn't be in any major pain. Also for the doctors as they put her to sleep and for her to feel peace in the operating room. It's going to be hard to leave her as they take her to the OR since we can't go with her, so pray for courage for her and for us too. We prayed about it a lot whether to do surgery now or wait, but felt like God was leading us to do the surgery now. Thank you for your prayers for our sweet Maddie Girl. We greatly appreciate it!

Heather, Bob, and Maddie

1 comment:

  1. Praying for little Maddie! I'm sure you're so anxious to have it behind you!
