Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Green Potty

There is a new house going up across the street and A few weeks ago Maddie asked me what that green thing was across the street. I told her it was a potty for the workers to go potty in. Her curious mind asked tons and tons of questions. But where Does the potty go? Who goes in there? Does it smell? A big one for 3 year olds is why? She has many names for this potty. She calls is the green potty, the sports potty, and the smelly potty. It sounds crazy, but she became so fixated of this potty that for a whole week she was getting up every 2 hours coming in our room telling us she was scared of the green potty. That made for some long nights.

So yesterday while we were outside doing the slip n slide we had a celebration as we saw the "green potty" being taken away. She was clapping and very excited to never see it again. I have to say I was very excited to see it go myself so we wouldn't have to have continuous conversations about the green potty and losing sleep over this silly potty. Haha


  1. Ha ha my mom told me about your green potty issues. I love it. Only a little one would be so fixated on it :)

  2. What a cute story! I love this 'see ya later' potty picture.
