Friday, April 27, 2012

Surgery Day

Yesterday morning was the big morning for surgery. We got up bright and early at 4:30am since we had to be to Schriner's by 6am. We arrived at the hospital and went right into the pre op room where they took her vitals and she got to put one of those stylish hospital gowns on. She was soaking it all up as this was a new experience for her. Then around 7:00am we heading into the next room that was the last stop before taking her to the OR. She was still her happy self, and my nerves were high and was feeling quite a bit anxious about the whole thing. She never cried once before the surgery or when they wheeled her away to the Operating Room. She is such a brave and tough little girl. I broke down a lot yesterday as it was just a very emotional day.

After Maddie went into surgery we had a pastor from our church who came to pray with us. I was so glad he was there and really eased my mind. I don't think Bob was as nervous as I was. I did have a little panic attack and needed prayer at that time. It was more stressful than I thought it was going to be, and being 33 weeks pregnant with hormones at an ultimate high didn't help. We spent time praying for Maddie and the surgery, and there is nothing like praying that makes you feel at peace.

After prayer we headed down to the next room where Maddie would come after her surgery was over. It felt like an eternity waiting for our pager to beep to let us know she was out and everything went okay. Finally around 10:00 they wheeled her in and it was such a relief to be with her again. Then the tears started to stream and she was just a little confused from the anethesia. It was hard to see her that way and nothing we could do would console her. It was a moment of feeling totally helpless. She would have moments of being calm and then moments of not being able to contain her. That was hard and I just felt so bad for her.

A few hours later she seems to be doing better, so we took her out of the room for a wagon ride around the hospital to get her mind off things. She enjoyed that and insisted on pulling the wagon herself just a few hours after surgery. We made it home around 3:30 and Maddie fell asleep in the car and then took a long needed nap. After her nap she was doing much better and back to almost being happy Maddie again!

Today has been such a better day. She has taken pain medicine once, and slept all the way through the night last night. She is back to playing dress up, playing with her toys, and dancing around the house. It's the best feeling to see her happy again. She has to leave her surgical dressing on her arm for 3 days, and then we can take it off. I think that is what is bothering her the most because it is hindering her from using that arm. After a week she can get it wet again and start back up with her swim lessons:)

Thank you for those of you who prayed for Maddie yesterday. Her surgery went so smoothly and The doctors and nurses were so sweet. She is recovering so well and seems to be in very minimal pain. Your prayers for her were so appreciated.

Here is a few pictures from yesterday.

Arriving at Schriner's Hospital. She's all smiles.
Still Smiling before she heads into surgery.
After surgery she was really out of it and wasn't feel well.
A few hours after she was out of surgery we took her for a wagon ride around the hospital.
Jello Makes everything feel better.
Before we got ready to leave the hospital she wanted to pull the wagon around. She is a tough cookie.
Sound asleep on the car ride home.
She took a long nap and was back to all smiles. Right before this picture was taken we painted our nails and toes, and put some lip gloss on. She painted my nail and was very proud of herself:)

1 comment:

  1. I appreciated reading your post, Heath. Thanks for taking the time to enter it and share Maddie's pictures with us. She is so beautiful...inside and out. Glad to see her cheery photos from just a day or two ago as well. Love you all!
