Thursday, May 31, 2012

We would like to introduce.....

Caleb David! He arrived yesterday, May 30th, in the afternoon weighing 6 lbs 15 ounces. We are all doing great and so thankful he is here and healthy:) Maddie loves Caleb so much and it has been fun watching her interact with him at the hospital. Bob and I are excited to be a family of 4 and feel so thankful. Thank you for those who prayed for Caleb and for a safe delivery! Here are a few pictures.


  1. Aww Congrats!! I saw your mom put up a picture of him, he is a doll! I miss you on facebook!-Jane

  2. Congrats. We are so happy for you and your family! So happy you have a beautiful healthy baby boy! My mom forwarded pics from your mom. So excited for you!

  3. Thanks for posting so many pictures, Heath! I can't wait to meet little Caleb and Jude is pretty excited too. Praising God for your sweet family of four. Love!

  4. What a sweet blessing, and how precious is he!!!!! Praying for your newly formed family of 4. You will be such a wonderful momma to this little man!

  5. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! So so so excited for your sweet little family! Can't wait to meet him and give him little hugs and kisses!
