Friday, July 16, 2010

Our week in a not so small nut shell:o)

A little bit about our week:

Monday my grandparents watched Maddie for me while I headed to see the allergist and get some tests done. I have always had terrible allergies, so monday I got a lot of answers. After a 2 1/2 hour appt they found out I am allergic to trees, all grasses, weeds, molds, cats, and dogs. I am so glad I at least know why I have felt so terrible. I am hopefully on the up and up with the knew allergy meds I am on.

Tuesday We went on a couple wagon rides around the neighborhood and spend some time by the fountains with Elise and Gavin. We also spend some time hanging out at the library.

Wednesday Maddie and I headed to the Farmers Market to pick up some fresh produce before my Mom came for a visit. Once my mom arrived we headed to Maddie's swim lessons. She loved it and they did so many different things with them. Such a great class. We got back home, and my brother Matt came for a surprise visit! After Her nap we did a few errands since it was 95 degrees and little hot to be outside.

Thursday My friend Christine and her two kids came for a visit so it was fun to see them. In the afternoon we met Elise and Gavin at the fountains.

Today we met Jen and Connor in Hinsdale to go to the pool near them. It's fun to be able to see them and hang out once a week!

Tomorrow we are headed back to Lincoln Park for a work event at Lincoln Park Zoo. It will be so weird to be back where we lived for so long! I am excited to take Maddie around the zoo in her Radio Flyer and finally meet all the people Bob works with. That was our week in a nut shell. Here are some pictures!

Saving these for a rainy day:o)

Playing with the train set at "My Favorite Toy Store"
Doing our nightly walk in the alley behind our house.
Maddie loves walking up and down, up and down.
Maddie takes swim lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays

Practicing blowing bubbles.
Working on getting her comfortable on her back

Some fun with the water table!
Ready, Aim, Fire!
A little evening swing
Maddie and Connor hanging out in the baby pool:o)

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, she is the cutest little thing! Looks like you had a full but fun week. Isn't summer the best?! I love it. Love the pics at the pool...I'm sure she is having a blast.
