Friday, August 6, 2010

It's been a while. but I have a story worth reading

It's been a while! I'll just give you some quick updates and then get to my story. Maddie is doing so well with her walking and is completely stable on her feet-not quite running, but power walking!! She is talking A LOT! Yesterday I asked her if she wanted a drink and she said, "I don't know?" I have never taught her that, but I think that is what I answer to a lot of Bob's questions. so maybe she picked up on it! haha:o) Her other popular phrases are "Hi there" and of course "uh oh baby" In the morning I hear her throwing everything out of her crib and saying"uh oh baby" about 7-8 times for all the toys and animals in her crib. Then when everything is out of her crib she starts to get upset, so I go in there and she greets me with a big smile and says, "hi there." The best greeting I could ever ask for:o) She is a joy.

I just recently looked back at the pictures of Maddie when she was in the NICU and it's makes me tear up everytime. I couldn't help but see how the Lord has taken care of her from the day she was born until now. There isn't one day I don't thank God for her life and know he has a special plan for her.

And now for the story. Maddie and I went out to lunch together after swim lessons one day, which is something we usually never do, but thought it would be fun:o) We order our food at the window and then sit down at some picnic tables. Across from us was this adorable little girl with down syndrome. She kept looking at Maddie and smiling and was just the sweetest thing ever. Then after the little girl was done eating she came over and told Maddie how beautiful she was. She kissed her little arm and said, "You are so beautiful and I love babies." Her mom was there with her so we just had a really nice conversation since the little girl wondered why Maddie didn't have an arm. So her mom said just like you were born with down syndrome Maddie was born without an arm. .She was just the sweetest most compassionate little girl and It just made my day. If the world could be more like her what a much better place it would be. I was smiling and teary eyed all the way home. If she only knew. What a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this story, gave me goosebumps. How precious are these little ones.
