Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Buddy Boy

Caleb has been such a good sleeper! Last night he only ate at 1:30 and 5:30 this morning. He has been going 4 to 4 1/2 hour stretches at night which is so nice! Since he gained 18 ounces in a week and a half the pediatrician said we didn't have to wake him every 3 hours and could let him sleep until he told us he was hungry. Thanks Caleb for being such a good sleeper. It seems like I have him on a pretty good schedule now which didn't take long at all. Good job buddy boy!!!

Things are going really well over here and Maddie just loves her baby brother. She helps me get diapers, his clothes and loves to help put his pacifier in his mouth. She is so gentle and loving to him. She calls him buddy boy and kisses him and loves on him all day. It's very sweet.

Since we haven't been able to go outside with Caleb in this heat we've been doing the sprinkler outside and slip n slide. Thankfully we have a yard and can get out in the yard while Caleb hangs out inside the air conditioning. I put him right by the back door so I can look in through the door to check on him while watching Maddie as well:) we are looking forward to 80 degree weather so I can head to the pool or splash pad park with both of them.

Here is a pic of him in this new bouncer seat.

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