Sunday, June 17, 2012

We had a great weekend at my parents in Lake Geneva. It's always so fun to be with my family! Here are a few pictures--- She loves the water! Maddie adores Caleb My Dad and Bob took Maddie to the golf range to hit some balls. So cute:) Teeing up her ball! Girl after my own heart:) My Mom made some delicious chocolate fondue! Maddie ate is up! Caleb is awake! He sleeps so much it's nice to have a picture of him not sleeping:) My parents and grandparents watched Maddie and Caleb so Bob and I could have a night out. We went to the Baker House in Lake Geneva. Such a cute place! It's a 20's restaurant so they have fun hats to wear while you eat your food. It was a great night to spend together:):):)

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